songs that i used to listen to over and over and over again three years ago are back on rotation on my pod. it's so funny, cause these familiar tunes transports me back to that time long ago.
to the pizza hut in bangsar.
the midnight movies.
the stalking guys playing futsal from our 3rd floor window.
the first rejection.
the 10-minute walks to class.
the physics lab high up the hill.
the very, very strict chem lab tutor.
the air-conditioned bio lab with dead mice and frogs.
the sleepless nights talking bout girly girly things.
the shared showers.
the surprise celebrations that took a LOT of planning.
i miss those crazy b*fits.
"so if you're wishing on the stars
you gotta go out and get it
don't let them tell you what you can and cannot do
i hope i always, always feel this way"