Wednesday, September 23

black pepper, sesame seed and coriander

i find that not having a high expectation is a good way to go about things.
as usual, i wasn't really in the mood for raya.
you see, i'm this weird creature that would rather stay in bed all day with her laptop than go to tok's house and do that mind-numbing yearly routine.
but for the sake of family, i woke up early, put on my new baju kurung and drove the unusually jam-free federal highway to no 27.
and so far, eid has been pretty good. not mind-blowing awesome, but still it went better than expected. hooray for low-standards.

i got to eat some incredible food.
i got to play with little human beings.
i got to catch up with a cousin who's currently undergoing her housemanship.
and of course, i got duit raya! (i need to enjoy this yearly ka-ching while i still can)

"if i had known then that these things happen
would they have happen with you
please dont drive me home tonight
cause i dont wanna feel alone"